Local Walk, Port Erin, Port St Mary 3-4 miles

Twilight is such a nice time to venture out, especially in the winter months. There is a stillness in the air as nature settles down for the night. Today was no exception.

There is nothing remarkable about this walk. I am flitting about between the IOM and the UK as my aged aunt is very ill, so I have to grasp any moment I can to get some air and to exercise my legs. I am still suffering from my slipped disc and leg pain that doesn’t give up at any time in the day or night, but exercise helps a little and at least takes my mind off it. Hence the short distances, but at least a 3 or 4 mile walk means I can get my heart rate up a bit and burn off some of the Christmas indulgencies I engaged in at Stoke Mandeville Hospice :-). I did manage two very joyous days with my immediate family over Christmas and I spent several days either side of them visiting my aunty at SM and am about to return for another visit.

On a brighter note, today the air was very festive, crisp and even. I was well wrapped up and having called in at the newsagents to claim my £6 from a scratchcard, I started my walk in the centre of Port Erin. I went along the beach, then out towards Ballachurry Nature reserve, down Mount Gawne Road to the sea at Gansey,  around Gansey Point to Port St Mary and then back home along Truggan Road. It might be an easy walk along roads, but its far nicer than any local walk I could have done when I lived in Nottingham. We are all very blessed living on our beautiful island.










2 thoughts on “Local Walk, Port Erin, Port St Mary 3-4 miles

  1. Stunning skies Gill. Happy New Year..sorry to hear about your Aunt’s health – it’s lovely that you have the Will and capability to travel and support. We still do a decent walk every Monday and I try to walk as much as poss in the week. Look after yourself x


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